How Paediatric Cranial Osteopathy Aids in Newborn and Maternal Health

Paediatric Cranial Osteopath

Paediatric Osteopathy employs Cranial Osteopathy therapy approaches. This method involves palpating to identify changes in the bones, as well as monitoring the movement of membranes and the rhythmic flow of fluids through tissues and structures. Although treatment does not directly target a single location, paediatric cranial osteopath focuses on treating areas that are causing problems and require assistance. Treatment is holistic and addresses the entire body, fostering alignment and improving overall health. But for those wondering how this all fits together in practice, keep reading this post.

Signs That Indicate Your Child Needs a Paediatric Cranial Osteopath Appointment

An Osteopathic check-up is always advisable for newborn babies. The comfort and health of your kid might be greatly enhanced by early detection of potential problems such as tension in the cranial sutures, misalignment of the spine, or restricted movement in the neck and shoulders. There is no minimum age, usually the sooner the better as the membranes are easier to release. Health problems can be caused by a number of factors including environment, bacterial, viral, organism, nutritional imbalances and allergies, and musculoskeletal. When the body is more in alignment, it can deal with these outside influences more efficiently.

Mothers can also benefit from a check-up to help release stress within the pelvic cavity. Often the postural changes during the pregnancy will determine how well the mother will cope with labour. Enormous physical and chemical change takes place over a relatively short period of time. The mother’s body makes adaptations of carrying anything from 15-20 lbs of baby weight which is reflected in changes in the mother’s body and posture. Stress patterns during the pregnancy and later after birth arise.  Low back pain, to upper thoracic spine discomfort from lifting and feeding the baby. Certain pelvic dysfunctions in the mother may arise from complicated births, particularly in sitting cross-legged to upright walking and sleeping postures in severe cases, the pain remains and gets worse after giving birth. Here mothers would benefit from seeing the osteopath. Many mothers are too embarrassed and simply suffer silently, not realizing they can be helped by seeking paediatric cranial osteopath advice and treatment.

Benefits of osteopathic treatment for mothers

  • Assist musculoskeletal aches and pains in the back, neck, and shoulder
  • Groin and pain associated with pubic symphysis
  • Osteopathy helps with nausea vomiting & heartburn
  • Sciatica, low back pain
  • Provide advice on breathing and stretching exercises during pregnancy to maintain wellbeing
  • Awareness of Gait/Mobility
  • Prepares the way to healthy and trouble-free childbirth
  • Helping to regain strength and flexibility to ease recovery after the birth
  • Correction of any twist or strains left in the pelvis after the birth

For mothers looking for additional relief, consulting a paediatric cranial osteopath can further enhance the recovery process.

Final Words

For both moms and babies, pediatric cranial osteopathy is a very successful treatment. Treatments for musculoskeletal abnormalities, birth-related discomfort, and general well-being can be beneficial for newborns. It relieves pelvic, neck, and back discomfort that comes with pregnancy and childbirth for moms. Osteopathic treatment calms stress accelerates healing, and gets the body prepared for future pregnancies. An early visit to an expert paediatric cranial osteopath contributes to better growth and faster recoveries for both mother and child.

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